Movie Mastery – Master of Disguise

Master of Disguise

It’s that Dana Carvey vehicle!  Here, I’ll sum up exactly how you remember it:  “Turtle, turtle.”  Boy, don’t you want to know exactly what sort of package that famous catchphrase comes wrapped up in?  This week, we settle in to review Master of Disguise, and it’s nothing like we expected, except for that we did expect it to be bad.

Next week, we’ll finally have the guest host like we’ve been planning!  Keep the suggestions rolling in, we have a ton but random selecting dice are easy to come by!

4 responses to “Movie Mastery – Master of Disguise

  1. I have an autistic cousin. He is literally the only person I know that enjoyed The Master of Disguise. He is very fond of ‘sound-bites’, and the film is rife with them, little quotable parts of sentences that can be repeated.

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