System Mastery 194 – Sentinel Comics: The RPG

From an old hero game to a new one, it’s time to talk about Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game.  Sentinels is an expansive setting with a vast cast of characters old and new, but we barely have time to even mention that as we go into detail over the Cortex-reminiscent and innovation ruleset.  Maybe we can talk story stuff next time.

Announcement Mastery:
Comics, Games, and Things: Comics, Games, and Things is an online hobby store that carries model kits, paints, miniatures games, and rpg books, and a large variety of 3d printable files.  Find them online at
Special Contest event!!!!  Comics, Games, and Things is giving away a copy of the new Sentinels RPG and two copies of the starter pack to a few lucky winners, but time is extremely tight!  Visit this website and sign in to enter to win!  Entries will only be accepted through the end of February so act fast!  Oh, and US entrants only, for a ton of extremely complicated reasons!


4 responses to “System Mastery 194 – Sentinel Comics: The RPG

  1. I think people don’t have a problem with the system are going to portray people rebelling against the system (rioters) as deluded, misguided, etc. I think it is alot more than tone deaf, but rather from privilege. Did this come up during the KS at all?

  2. Nuts. A protester is not a rioter and never has been, and the fact that you’re conflating the two takes your argument and throws it right in the dumpster. If you brought a molotov to a protest, you are as much part of the problem as any thug cop is. You came expecting to burn someone or something, not to express your political views or support a cause. Superheroes don’t punch protesters. They do punch rioters, just like they punch out of control cops and psychopaths driving a vehicle into a crowd.

    Funny how the mean streets shooter doesn’t get called problematic. You can recognize that bringing a firearm to a protest is dangerous to everyone, but a bottle full of gasoline is okay? Nice damn standards, hypocrite.

  3. Pingback: A Survey of Rules-Lite Superhero RPGs | Cannibal Halfling Gaming·

  4. Pingback: Rules-Lite Superhero RPGs Revisited: Part 2 | Cannibal Halfling Gaming·

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